
*This blog post was originally written in 2018.*

I want to welcome you to Axess Web Design.

I founded this company soon after completing a certification in digital marketing at the Seattle campus of General Assembly two years ago.  We recently moved/redesigned our website and decided to focus specifically on website design and search engine optimization.

For years I’ve flirted with the online/tech world and always had a drive to work within it.  Our family grew up with computers and electronics and we had access to the web as early adopters.  I didn’t go to school for a computer science or information systems degree, but I always wanted to be a part of the tech business.  So, I left my marketing career two years ago I decided that the present was the perfect time to pivot into this world and add to my skill-sets.

People have their specific fascinations.  My fascination has always been figuring out how things work.  (Specifically business.)  I have a curious mind and always want to learn.  When I meet people who work in different fields than me I always ask them about their business.  Sometimes they are willing to open up and other times I get a look like they think I’m grilling them for trade secrets!  Eventually they open up and I get to learn something new and fascinating.  Perhaps this curiosity is the key driver of my motivation to grow a new business.  Or perhaps, it’s because I’m never satisfied just doing one thing.  I think it’s a little bit of both.

I’ll be posting to this blog on a regular basis toward the end of the holiday season.  This website is a work in progress so please check back for updates.  I hope to share insights about best practices and tips that will help your business stand out and be noticed.  I will develop and share content to help grow your business and keep you updated with the newest trends in website design and searching engine optimization.

I have a passion to help people reach their goals, which is why I started this company.  If I can help you reach your goals…then I’ve done my job.

Kyle L.

Axess Web Design is a Post Falls/CDA, ID Web Designer and SEO Marketing Company for small and medium sized businesses. We specialize in the best website design on content management systems (CMS) like SquareSpace, Wix and WordPress to construct mobile friendly, easy-to-edit, template-based sites that convert leads to customers!Axess is an owner-operated business, so you’ll be be working directly with your web designer and have direct communication about your project.#cdawebdesign #cdawebdesigner #spokanewebdesign #smallbusinesswebdesign #localwebdesigner